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Winchester® Ammunition Announces Team Winchester Pro Staff:

Press release. 11/24/2005

Winchester® Ammunition is pleased to announce the launch of its Team Winchester pro staff.

As a long-standing, trusted name in the industry, Winchester® has many sponsored professionals who are well known in the hunting and shooting field. The Team Winchester pro staff will assemble accomplished and recognized expert men and women, creating a valuable source of information and reference for our customers.

The pro staff will ultimately serve Winchester® customers in other ways, too. As a resource for Winchester®, the team will help the company refine its products and maintain its position of innovation and excellence in the ammunition market. Ultimately, the pro staff will help Winchester® produce better ammunition products, helping our customers be better shooters and hunters.

To review a pro staff list along with biographies, photos, and additional information, please click on the Team Winchester Pro Staff link at http://www.winchester.com.

Winchester® will introduce its Team Winchester pro staff at the 2006 SHOT Show. This will be the first of many opportunities to bring everyone from the Winchester® hunting and shooting community together, from top sponsored shooters and hunters to customers.

For more information on Winchester® products, visit their website at http://www.winchester.com. Press releases and images can be found on the website at http://www.winchester.com, then click on Press Room.

.....når bare man har nok penge og krudt.....så går det ikke aldrig helt galt :-)

Favourite Quote: Vi løser ikke vore problemer ved at tænke på samme måde, som da vi skabte dem.....(Albert Einstein)