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Fuld Version: Det bliver sjovere at være dreng i Wisconsin
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"A bill that would lower Wisconsin's minimum hunting age to 8, with restrictions, was sent to the Joint Finance Committee for possible amendments last week.

The bill would allow youths as young as 8 to bow or gun hunt with an adult mentor, provided the two share just one firearm or bow.

'I know there are a lot of senators who share his thoughts on this,' Esser said. 'We feel that there are a variety of amendments that would make this a better piece of legislation.'
Jennifer Esser, an aide to Sen. Alan Lasee, R-Rockland, said Lasee would not support the bill in its current form.
Mike Prentice, the press relations spokesman for Sen. Scott Fitzgerald, R-Juneau, said rather than rush into a vote, senators decided to work on a compromise to address some of the concerns.

Fitzgerald is the JFC's co-chairman. Prentice said a number of amendments are being looked at, including the possibility of raising the minimum age to 10 and requiring hunter education for people participating in the mentoring program.

Prentice thinks the JFC might introduce and approve amendments the week of Feb. 13, then send the bill back to the full Senate for a vote."

.....når bare man har nok penge og krudt.....så går det ikke aldrig helt galt :-)

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