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Nye regler i Minnesota - ran - 05-06-2006

Minnesota lawmakers tweaked deer rules and licenses and gave Wildlife Management Areas a huge financial boost. But they failed to give a high-profile habitat project new money or approve regulations for big-game shooting preserves.

Those were among the dozens of outdoors-related laws and funding measures passed -- or not passed -- by the Minnesota Legislature.

Here's an overview:

A measure that would have dedicated a portion of the state sales tax to wildlife habitat, clean water and outdoor recreation died in conference committee in the final hours of the legislative session. House and Senate leaders couldn't agree on whether to earmark the money from current sales taxes or to increase the sales tax.

Minnesota's all-season deer license now allows hunters to take two antlerless deer total during the archery and muzzleloader seasons and one deer of either sex during the rifle season.

Deer hunters no longer have to tag the deer in the field before moving it, but they must have the validated tag with them. Once a hunter is at camp or has placed the deer in a vehicle, the tag must be on the deer. The changes are in response to hunter complaints that tags fell off while deer were dragged from the woods.

Deer hunters on private lands no longer have to adhere to time restrictions for operating an all-terrain vehicle or snowmobile during the deer season. But on public lands, hunters are still required to operate machines only before and after legal shooting hours and from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Spring turkey hunting hours now end at sunset, instead of 5 p.m.

Darkhouse spearers can now angle with one fishing line, but caught fish must be released immediately or placed outside the house. It was previously illegal to angle inside a darkhouse.

Lawmakers approved $14 million in bonding money to purchase new wildlife management area lands, the highest amount ever appropriated. Last year, the amount was $10 million.

Lawmakers did not approve a $30.5 million bonding request to fund the second phase of the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program. State officials say they need the amount to fully fund the 120,000-acre grasslands and wetlands project, but nearly $18 million from last year's appropriation of $20 million still hasn't been spent. Officials say farmers aren't signing up for the program because the program's payment rates aren't high enough. The bonding money rejection doesn't mean the end of the program, but it faces a funding deadline of Dec. 31, 2007, state officials say.

Lawmakers approved $7 million for purchasing public forest easements from companies with timber holdings.

Proposals to restrict or ban big-game hunting preserves did not pass, but lawmakers promised to take up the issue next year.

It is now illegal to feed deer within a 15-mile radius of farms where cattle are infected with bovine tuberculosis.

A handheld artificial light can be used to hunt coyote and fox from Jan. 1 to March 15, but hunters must use a shotgun, be on foot, hunt at least 200 feet from a vehicle and not hunt in a roadway.

A proposal allowing counties to approve coyote bounties did not pass.

It is now legal to darkhouse spear on French Lake in Rice County.

State park daily visit rates will be reduced to $5 from $7, beginning Jan. 1, 2007. Daily group rates also will be reduced by $2 per person. The cost of the annual state-park pass wasn't changed.

The Department of Natural Resources has been authorized to establish an annual state-park visitors pass for motorcycle riders. It will cost $20 and will be available Jan. 1.

The DNR has been authorized to create a state horse-trail riding pass costing $20. The money will be dedicated to a special fund for building and maintaining state horse trails.

Hunters who shoot a deer other than a whitetail or mule deer do not need to tag it. The law was in response to hunters who shot exotic deer who escaped from pens or were turned loose.

The darkhouse spearing season now ends on the same date as the regular ice-fishing season.

Other funding measures in the bonding bill include: $6 million to purchase more property along the Vermillion River; $1 million for water control structures for waterfowl habitat; $1 million for fish hatchery improvements; $3 million for safe-harbor improvements on Lake Superior; and $2 million for fisheries habitat acquisitions.

.....når bare man har nok penge og krudt.....så går det ikke aldrig helt galt :-)

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