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Jagtmodstandere holdt udenfor - ran - 12-06-2006

Deer hunt opposition left out
Posted by the Asbury Park Press on 06/12/06
Monmouth County parks commissioners want to again allow hunting at 11 county parks including our Shark River Park from Oct. 28 to Feb. 17. They say there continue to be many complaints about property damage and people stepping in deer droppings, and there is still a population problem.
Shotgun and bow hunting will again be allowed in close proximity to many homes and schools. In some parks, the general public and resident taxpayers will not be allowed access to parks during this time.

There were 36 "incidents" this past hunting season, including hunting in no hunt zones (private property), and dead deer and bows and arrows left in park parking lots.

Pro-hunting groups are in direct communication with parks personnel and are asking to expand the areas, days and season for deer hunting.

Animal rights and environmental groups are excluded from the decision-making process. Some neighboring property owners were not notified or asked for input into the decision.

The Parks Commission has ignored its own role to help control deer population by planting deer-preferred crops in the parks. Alternative cost-effective nonlethal means such as contraception and relocation are available and work, but the parks commissioners refuse to pursue these means of deer population control.

A Rutgers survey shows seven of 10 state residents prefer nonlethal means for resolving deer-human conflicts. Don't let the parks commissioners allow any more hunting in our county parks. Make your views known.

.....nu OGSÅ ejer af en 243win :-)

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