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Opsplitning af andejagtsæsonen i Minnesota - ran - 13-06-2006

Et eller andet sted (selvom vi i danske jægerkredse er imod for megen regelrytteri og begrænsninger) må vi alligevel tage hatten af for den måde USA regulerer deres vildt- og fiskebestande på.

Der er nedsatte "lokale vildtforvaltningsråd" der har til opgave at vurdere hvordan man bedst sikrer fremtidige optimale bestandsstørrelser - uanset om det er fisk eller vildt. Tingene bliver vurderet og beslutninger taget. Har på egen hånd oplevet det med laksefiskeriet i Alaska. De har kørt det benhårdt de sidste 50 år derovre - også i forhold til erhversfiskeriet, der først må fiske laks, når der er gået nok op i floderne til at sikre den næste generation, og resultatet er et helt fantastisk laksefiskeri, der overgår alle andre steder i verden...et eller andet må de gøre rigtigt....

DNR considers split duck hunting seasons
Published Monday, June 12, 2006

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources will make a regulatory decision in July that will have implications for duck hunters during the five-year period of 2006-2010 if the duck season is less than 40 days.

The DNR, as required by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, must decide whether to zone the state for duck hunting, meaning different season dates in different zones, or to split the season into three segments.

The latter would mean the same open duck season dates statewide, according to Steve Cordts, DNR waterfowl staff specialist

“We need to make this decision because every five years the FWS requires states to select a zoning or splitting regulatory framework for the next five-year period,” Cordts said.

“The decision — meaning to zone or split — becomes meaningful only if duck seasons are significantly reduced from the 60-day seasons offered in recent years. If season length is substantially reduced, we would fall back on our zoning or splitting decision to best manage the season so that hunters would have both early- and late-season hunting opportunities.”

The DNR has already received public input on this topic and will continue to consider additional comments received prior to making a decision in July.

FWS established a long-term strategy in 1991 for the use of zones and split seasons to limit the number of options and frequency of changes made by states.

At five-year intervals, states are allowed to select one of the following three options for duck seasons:

1) establishment of three zones, with no split seasons in any zone;

2) establishment of two zones, each of which can be split into up to two segments; or

3) no zones, but the season can be split into up to three segments.

“Since 1991, Minnesota has always selected the option of splitting the season into three segments to get later season hunting opportunity and to gain weekend hunting days in years when the season framework was less than 40 days,” said Cordts. “Minnesota has never selected a zoning option.”

While Minnesota is required to declare its selection every five years, the splitting or zoning option is only used in years when the duck season framework is relatively short compared with the 60-day framework that has been in effect in recent years.

Past policy has been to use the option of splitting the duck season only when the federally authorized season length is less than 40 days.

The last time the Minnesota duck season was split was in 1993. The 1991-93 seasons were 30 days and the Minnesota season was split into three segments.

In years of short duck seasons, hunters in northern Minnesota tend to prefer maximum opportunity during October before freeze-up and do not tend to favor splitting the season.

Hunters in southern Minnesota tend to prefer a split with some closed days in October in exchange for some open hunting days later in the season.

Establishment of zones can also be controversial. There is debate about where zone lines should be located, particularly in areas near zone boundaries. Also, hunters shifting from zone to zone to take advantage of open duck hunting days can increase competition among hunters for limited hunting locations.

Preliminary results from a 2005 survey indicate that hunters either preferred a zone option or a straight season, with less support for a statewide season split into three segments. When asked where a zone line should be located, there was less agreement.

Duck season zoning and splitting was also a topic at 18 public waterfowl meetings conducted around the state in April 2005.

Attendees at those meetings were asked to complete a survey that included preferences for duck hunting zones or split seasons. Those attendees also tended to favor the option of zoning rather than splitting the season into three segments.

The DNR will continue to consider additional comments received before the final decision is made. Comments can be e-mailed to waterfowl@dnr.state. mn.us.

.....nu OGSÅ ejer af en 243win :-)

Favourite Quote: Vi løser ikke vore problemer ved at tænke på samme måde, som da vi skabte dem.....(Albert Einstein)

Opsplitning af andejagtsæsonen i Minnesota - Kima - 13-06-2006



Jeg er ikke fejlfri,men det er så tæt på at det skræmmer mig.