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Gidday from Australia
Good day to you all.

Many years ago in the late 60's or early 70's an Australian hunting magazine wrote an article about the Schultz and Larsen in 308 Norma Mag. I fell in love with both the Rifle and the calibre.

I am now in the position to order a M97 DL Classic and I need some help as the factory web site is horrible and there is only information regarding these rifles on Danish web sites.

I would like to order the rife in 25-06 in 17-21-650 with Spiral Fluting on a factory Laminated stock.

Does anyone have photos of the factory Laminated stock? I cannot find any on the web.

Mark, Cairns, Australia
Also I use Google Chrome and it does a good job in translating Danish to English, but I have 1 question, What are "Links". I do not understand what they are when a rifle is described as "with" or "without" "Links"?

When you put the rifle to your left shoulder, then in danish your a "linksshooter"
Thank you, as I am Right Handed, nothing I need worry about.
Hi Mark

Take contact to xtek in australia

they are S&L delers in Australia[Wink] hope you get a S&L rifle [Big Grin]

best regards
Anders Harring

Mvh. Hatting
Custom Metalsmith
Mvh. Hatting
Custom Metalsmith

Unless you have a dealer in Australia, unfortunately, I it will be time consuming and uphill buying a new riffle from the factory. Unless they have a significant volume, they will not even bother all the paperwork associated with export of a single rifle. You may be able to find a retail dealer who is willing to do it, but you will probably have to pay them handsomely for the work.

You may be able to do most of the paperwork yourself (import permit with the Australian authorities and subsequent export permit from the Danish Ministry of Justice). Then it should just be the additional cost for shipping of firearms, which can be arranged by a retail dealer. Try to contact who is an authorized dealer and service provider for these firearms.


Det er en sej død at blive trådt ihjel af gæs

Det er en sej død at blive trådt ihjel af gæs
Hi Oz

You could also try Ask for Terje.
They solved the exportpermit for me, but I'm a bit unsure weather they can help you out with the shipping.

Carn the Dee's [Big Grin]


It's not the size of the dog in the fight - it's the size of the fight in the dog
It's not the size of the dog in the fight - it's the size of the fight in the dog

I have tried the australian Dealer and they have no photos of the laminated stock, neither does Hunterhouse or vaabensmeden.

I am left with asking someone who may have one to post photos. S & L really need to pick up their game in regards to their web sit.

Hi OZ_Hunt

Check this thread

There is a picture of a classic in its laminated stock.

There is a picture of My S&L in its GRS stock.

Thanks ahsv

The Black one is the Factory Laminated?

It looks sensational.

Hi Mark

Yes the black/grey one is the factory laminated. I also have a factory laminated stock besides the GRS stock. It differs somewhat from the one shown in the thread given that it has a Monte Carlo comb on the stock.


Which do you prefer to shoot with, The GRS or Factory and ia there much difference in weight?

Also, are the factory available in different colours? Just wondering as I do like the Black.

Hi Mark

I prefer to shoot with the GRS although it is somewhat heavier. The combination of the added weight and the fact the it leads the recoil straight back makes the rifle very pleasant to shoot in that configuration. I haven't had the factory stock mounted on the rifle since I bought the GRS stock. At the time when I bought the GRS stock I thought I would be changing stocks for hunting and the range but the GRS is fine for stationary hunting and it is OK for walkups as well. I have a few other rifles as well in much lighter configurations and I will just use one of those for more physically demanding walkups - for example when I am go to Skotland this fall [Big Grin]

Actually I do not know what color options you have on the factory stock. You could consider to go GRS [8D]

Do Anders, kan du ikke fortælle mig hvor stor forskel der er på krumningen på de 2 skæfter. Du kan måle ved at lægge en lineal på oversiden af træet i forskæftet, og derefter måle ned til bagkappen.
Såvidt jeg kan se på dit billede, er der under 1 cm i forskel.
Hvis du måler til midt på bagkappen vil der formodentligt være et drop på 10cm på den ene og under 11 på den anden. dette er afstand fra rekylelinje til det punkt hvor rekylen optages/overføres til skulderen.
Ikke for at ødelægge din religion, men ret beset er det vel begrænset hvor stor forskel der er på hvor "lige" de aflevere rekylen
NA, I believe Anders factory stock is Victory with Monti Carlo, different to the second pictured S&L.

Anders, I believe the GRS requires you supply the bedding blocks?

Is it an easy fit for the GRS, 100% inlet or is there some machining to do on the GRS stock?


Hvis du læser mit indlæg omkring afleveringen af rekylen som det er skrevet (i den tråd jeg linker til) vil du måske bemærke ironien omkring "afleveringen af rekylen" [Smile]

GRS skæftet er mere behageligt at skyde med, men det tilskriver jeg primært at det er væsentligt tungere og at der sidder en limbsaver i enden, hvor der på fabriksskæftet (som jeg også er glad for da det er et meget smukt skæfte efter min mening - det var derfor jeg købte det) er en temmelig hård bagkappe. Fakta er at når jeg skyder med GRS skæftet så hopper riflen nærmest ikke, mens den hopper lidt mere med S&L skæftet (som jeg husker det i hvert fald, det er mere end et år siden jeg har brugt S&L skæftet).

Jeg er ateist - i alle livets forhold [Smile]

Thanks Anders,

I am leaning toward the 6.5-284 Norma. Does anyone have experience with this calibre for Hunting and will they burn out the barrel as fast as people say?

Hi Oz Hunt.

This is a picture of my S&L 97 DL in 7mm. Rem. 17-21-650mm.Spiral fluted.Factory laminated stock

[Image: P7127586.jpg]

Take a look at this test from NZ.
From this site:

Best regards.

Mikkel Sørensen.

Hunt fair chase.
Mikkel Sørensen.

Hunt fair chase.
Thanks Mikkel, superb accuracy for the 6.5-284.

I think I will be ordering one with the Black/Grey laminated stock and then wait 6 months for it to arrive!


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