01-02-2017, 04:31 PM
This eye-catching proposal may seem far-fetched, but the brief goes on to claim that US army researchers have already succeeded in embedding seeds into biodegradable material to flower months later.
Så projektiler, der indeholder frø og måske et vækstsubstrat, som kan bruges til træning - det lyder faktisk far fetched !!
"Military practices could follow the example of sport shooting, which has pioneered sustainable ammunition. Nations such as Denmark have banned lead bullets for hunting, and former President Obama made one of his final commands a crackdown on their use in wildlife refuges."
Så har Trump jo ret - blyforbud i riffelprojektiler er ikke forbudt til jagt i DK - og så er CNN jo fake news lige her ihvertfald []
Messingprojektiler er soooo yesterday [][]
Næ du, lucernefrø som kerne i en damppresset kappe af spagnum og melklister, that's the shit [8D]
Mvh Pete