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Blonde mænd
FINALLY, it just had to come to this sooner or later! Blonde jokes that target the men...

*A blonde man is in the bathroom and his wife shouts: "Did you find the shampoo?"
He answers, "Yes, but I'm not sure what to do... it's for dry hair, and I've just wet mine."

*A blonde man spies a letter lying on his doormat. It says on the envelope "DO NOT BEND"
He spends the next 2 hours trying to figure out how to pick it up.

*A blonde man shouts frantically into the phone, "My wife is pregnant and her contractions are only two minutes apart!"-- "Is this her first child?" asks the Doctor.
"No!" he shouts, "this is her husband!"

*A blonde man is in jail, the guard looks in his cell and sees him hanging by his feet.
"Just WHAT are you doing?" he asks.
"Hanging myself," the blonde replies.
"The rope should be around your neck" says the guard.
"I tried that," he replies, "but then I couldn't breathe."

*An Italian tourist asks a blonde man: "Why do scuba divers always fall backwards off
their boats?" To which the blonde man replies, “If they fell forward, they’d still be in the boat..”

*A friend told the blonde man: "Christmas is on a Friday this year."
The blonde man then said, "Let's hope it's not the 13th."

*Two blonde men find three grenades, and they decide to take them to
a police station. One asked: "What if one explodes before we get there?"
The other says: "We'll lie and say we only found two."

*A woman phoned her blonde neighbour man and said: "Close your curtains the next time you and your wife are having sex. The whole street was watching and laughing at you yesterday."
To which the blonde man replied: "Well the joke's on all of you because I wasn't even at home yesterday!”

mvh M@X 2.0
Hard work beats talent, when talent doesn't work hard.....

Mvh  M@X 2.1
M@X 2.0,
Nu har jeg ikke så meget hår på hovedet mere, så jeg hev en dusk af røven i stedet for og den var vel nærmest "semi" blond. Hvis jeg har blonde hår i røven og du har hår i næsen skal vi så ikke binde dem sammen og lege fut-tog[Big Grin]

Mvh Thorlak

[IMG][/IMG]Correct first shot placement, the rest is bullshit!
Correct first shot placement, the rest is bullshit!

Originally posted by THORLAK

M@X 2.0,
Nu har jeg ikke så meget hår på hovedet mere, så jeg hev en dusk af røven i stedet for og den var vel nærmest "semi" blond. Hvis jeg har blonde hår i røven og du har hår i næsen skal vi så ikke binde dem sammen og lege fut-tog[Big Grin]

Mvh Thorlak

[IMG][/IMG]Correct first shot placement, the rest is bullshit!

Nej tak Thorlak. Jeg ved godt hvad du gjorde ved ham den unge mand henne i Body Club.

Og dine venner i swingerklubben advarer mod at du er til bindelege [B)][:0]

mvh M@X 2.0
Hard work beats talent, when talent doesn't work hard.....

Mvh  M@X 2.1
Troede i kun kom på Blue Oyster Bar[^]


[Image: image_zps40cd4b03.jpg]

"Non timeo mori, nec vivere Vereor"
Acts 10:13, "Rise, Peter; kill, and eat".

The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.

Nej,øhh der må vi ikke komme mere.....noget med at de ikke brød sig om at Thorlak ikke kunne holde sig til egne fækalier.....og som hans Über pilot, så røg jeg osse ud, helt unødvendigt selvfølgelig. De mangler altid dværge.....

mvh M@X 2.0
Hard work beats talent, when talent doesn't work hard.....

Mvh  M@X 2.1
Beklager svende, jeg er lesbisk fanget i en mandkrop.. er kun til damer og kun damer.

have a nice day[Big Grin]

[IMG][/IMG]Correct first shot placement, the rest is bullshit!
Correct first shot placement, the rest is bullshit!
Jeg har samme lidelse som Thorlak..
Thorlak har bare hørt efter da han sad og så "Das Boot" sidst .. [Big Grin][Big Grin][8D]

Han synes det lød så hyggeligt det de to ubåds-matroser snakkede om ..

Dravis aka:FMJ
"Sapere Aude: Dare to KNOW!"
"Do not adjust your mind, there's a fault in reality"
Dravis aka:FMJ
"Sapere Aude: Dare to KNOW!"
"Do not adjust your mind, there's a fault in reality"
"Når to deler et ansvar, så er der to procent til hver"

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