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Caribou jagt 08 resultater i Quebec,Canada
Hi Eric

Always nice and interesting to see your photos and read about your hunting trips overthere [Smile]

(certainly also the very last country I would visit - been there 3 times ( only to see the places from the 1 and 2 world war) - still dont like the french!! )


"Uanset hvad jeg foretager mig..ville jeg hellere sidde i min Anas Acuta eller være afsted med min riffel"

"Uanset hvad jeg foretager mig..ville jeg hellere sidde i min Anas Acuta eller være afsted med min riffel"

Beskeder i denne tråd
Caribou jagt 08 resultater i Quebec,Canada - af DIB - 09-12-2008, 01:28 AM

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