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7 taget på ulovlig jagt i Spanien efter bla. tigre
Seven accused of illegal hunting in Spain

MADRID, Spain (AP) -- Spanish police arrested seven people at a ranch that let hunters shoot lions, tigers and wolves in exchange for money, officials said Wednesday.

Police who raided the ranch last weekend in the southwest Extremadura region nabbed hunters who were about to shoot a lion and a tiger, and also found a freshly killed tiger, the Civil Guard's environmental protection unit said in a statement.

The police also found remains of wolves, which are protected species in Spain, it added.

The man who leased the land housing the ranch bought animals from zoos and kept them in cages until hunters paid to have them set free and shoot them.

It did not say what the going rate for a lion or tiger was, but the newspaper La Vanguardia quoted investigators as putting it around euro24,000 (US$28,000).

The statement did not say how long the ranch had been operating, only that the investigation began in the summer. It gave no estimate how many animals may have been killed there.

An official with the environmental protection unit, said the agency did not have this information.

The unit released photos of the tiger it said was killed shortly before the raid and of two lions being held in rusty cages.

Hunters at the ranch kept animals' heads, hides or other body parts as trophies and posed for photographs with the dead animals, it said.

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.....når bare man har nok penge og krudt.....så går det ikke aldrig helt galt :-)

Favourite Quote: Vi løser ikke vore problemer ved at tænke på samme måde, som da vi skabte dem.....(Albert Einstein)
.....ualmindelig velinformeret i forhold til min alder ... :-)

Favourite Quote: En humlebi ved ikke, at den ikke kan flyve......Gå ud på terrassen og vift med armene...hvis du letter må du være uvidende ;-)

© 2005 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Learn more about our Privacy Policy.

Hva' er det nu lige det betyder??[:I]
Nå nu har vi vel heller ikke AP til at rende rundt inde på VTF

Originally posted by okj


© 2005 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Learn more about our Privacy Policy.

Hva' er det nu lige det betyder??[:I]
Nå nu har vi vel heller ikke AP til at rende rundt inde på VTF

Næ, men omvendt, så må man heller ikke citere andres nyheder uden kildeangivelse...

I dansk ophavsret gælder, at en nyhedsudbyder kun har eneret på en nyhed i 24 timer. [Smile]

.....når bare man har nok penge og krudt.....så går det ikke aldrig helt galt :-)

Favourite Quote: Vi løser ikke vore problemer ved at tænke på samme måde, som da vi skabte dem.....(Albert Einstein)
.....ualmindelig velinformeret i forhold til min alder ... :-)

Favourite Quote: En humlebi ved ikke, at den ikke kan flyve......Gå ud på terrassen og vift med armene...hvis du letter må du være uvidende ;-)

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