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Now I shall prove how.....
Now I shall prove how hunters live in this world more joyfully than any other men.


For when the hunter riseth in the morning he sees a sweet and fair morn and clear weather and bright, and he heareth the song of th small birds, which sings so sweetly with great melody and full of love, each in its own language in the best wise it can....
And when the sun is arisen, he shall see fresh dew upon the small twigs and grasses, and the sun by his virtue shal make them shine. And that is great joy and liking to the hunters heart ... And when he hath well eaten and drunk he shall be glad and well at his ease. And then shall he take the air in the evening of the night, for the great heat that he hath had, al lie in bed in fair fresh clothes, and he shall sleep well and steadfastly all the night without any evil thoughts af any sins, wherefore I say that hunters go into paradise when they die, and live in this world more joyfully than any other men.

Men desire in this world to live long in good health and in joy, and after death the health of the soul. And hunters have all these things.
Therefor be ye all hunters and ye shall do as wise men.

Edward, Duke of York
Died at the battle of Agincourt 25th of October 1415.

Dravis aka:FMJ
"Sapere Aude: Dare to KNOW!" Nu med .376Steyr
Dravis aka:FMJ
"Sapere Aude: Dare to KNOW!"
"Do not adjust your mind, there's a fault in reality"
"Når to deler et ansvar, så er der to procent til hver"
Meget poetisk... og helt og aldeles korrekt!

Den tid man bruger på jagt lægges til i den sidste ende.... og der s´kal vi vel også på jagt?! [Big Grin] OGSÅ ejer af en 243win :-)

Favourite Quote: Vi løser ikke vore problemer ved at tænke på samme måde, som da vi skabte dem.....(Albert Einstein)
.....ualmindelig velinformeret i forhold til min alder ... :-)

Favourite Quote: En humlebi ved ikke, at den ikke kan flyve......Gå ud på terrassen og vift med armene...hvis du letter må du være uvidende ;-)

Den tid man bruger på jagt lægges til i den sidste ende....

Jeps, og de eder og forbandelser man har udgydt under hundeslædekørsel, tælles ikke med på den yderste dag.

Venlig hilsen Lasse
...komfort kan ikke overdrives.
Hilsen Lasse

... Buy the best and cry once.

Forum spring:

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