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DASS flyvemaskine
Jeg laver en aftale med de højere magter (eller lavere magter [}Smile])om at sende en anden forbi dig inden du finder "min".

Jeg håber du får en med plads til en hængekøje mellem de yderste takker![Smile]

[center][Image: gandalf2.jpg][/center]

Assumption is the mother of all ****ups... and anything is possible if you don't know what you are talking about.

Assumption is the mother of all ****ups... and anything is possible if you don't know what you are talking about.

Originally posted by Eric A

dune coon


Er dune coon = kamelboller?

[center][Image: gandalf2.jpg][/center]

Assumption is the mother of all ****ups... and anything is possible if you don't know what you are talking about.

Assumption is the mother of all ****ups... and anything is possible if you don't know what you are talking about.
Hov! [:I]

Jeg mente naturligvis kanelboller [Smile]

[center][Image: gandalf2.jpg][/center]

Assumption is the mother of all ****ups... and anything is possible if you don't know what you are talking about.

Assumption is the mother of all ****ups... and anything is possible if you don't know what you are talking about.

Urban Dictionary definerer det således:

"1. dune coon

sand nigger, a derogative term used to describe any one of brownish tan skin and of arabic descent

Osama Binladen is the biggest buck futting dune coon alive

2. dune coon

A racial slur used to decribe a person in the Middle East

Stupid dune coons got shot by the US Army.

3. dune coon

reference to one who is from a sandy area in the middle east

Damn abu.. quit being a dune coon!"

Så er der jo helt frit valg fra det politisk korrekte til fri slang.

[Smile][Big Grin][8D]

Fsv. angår definition 1 så indeholder den jo en - forummet i betragtning - passende fejlstavning, som jeg derfor har gengivet....[^]

It's not the caliber of the rifle that matters,

It's the caliber of the man behind it.
Nå, det var altså ikke en form for bagværk.

[center][Image: gandalf2.jpg][/center]

Assumption is the mother of all ****ups... and anything is possible if you don't know what you are talking about.

Assumption is the mother of all ****ups... and anything is possible if you don't know what you are talking about.
Tjaa Høgh, Dit første bud og definition 1 er vel ikke så langt fra hinanden, så deeeet...


It's not the caliber of the rifle that matters,

It's the caliber of the man behind it.
It's not the caliber of the rifle that matters,

It's the caliber of the man behind it.

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